It seems everywhere I look these days, in advertisements, magazines, music videos, blogs and of course movies, women are depicted in clothing that makes it hard for you to think of them in any way except physically. Yes of course you have a right to dress the way you want, we are all free to do what we please but that is not what I am here to talk about. I am here to express my outrage for the way women are being portrayed, as bodies and barely brains.
So are we being portrayed as "women" with our own intellect or "WOO-Men", pleasers of men with incredible wooing abilities.
Some might dispute that men are becoming depicted in almost the same way, maybe so, but not half as much as women are, or for nearly as long as women have been. Yes I believe that every woman who has played part in this had a right to, and was never forced to do what she did, but it really does undermine her and what she can actually do.. or perhaps it doesn't, perhaps that is how she wants to be seen and that is all she is good at, which can't be too much of a bad thing, right?
Ah, but money talks, people will go to great lengths to get rich and famous, and so for women in the lime light part of the road to success is pleasure to the pleasure seekers.
Every gigantic advertisement for big brands from D&G to Gucci, have models facing backwards to the camera doing some sort of very unpleasant and indecent pose as if imitating a rape scene.
This isn't about fashion, or at least I hope it isn't, because it all really comes down to fact that you are in control of what you do and what you wear, however you can not control what others think of it, and I hardly think you should care. I myself love expressing myself through what I wear, I do believe fashion is an essential way of self expression and no one can tame that or change it, however for one's own safety, and for the sake of dignity certain lines should not be crossed.
Now I know it seems like I'm fighting for a lost cause here, BUT I'm certainly not doing ANY fighting, if anything I am here to assert that we are all free to do as we please and in no way should the judgement of others dictate our lives. But I'm just sick of seeing women used as toys and accessories for media publicity but then again, if it's with their own consent then who am I to argue with them?
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!